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Getting started¤

qontrol is a quantum optimal control package built on top of dynamiqs. You can define your controls however you would in dynamiqs, specifying only how to update the Hamiltonian at each optimizer step. dynamiqs also has strong native support for batching, which qontrol can leverage e.g. for randomizing over uncertain parameters.


For now we support only installing directly from github

pip install git+

Requires Python 3.10+

Quick example¤

Optimal control of a Kerr oscillator, with piece-wise constant drives on the I and Q quadratures and optimizing for a Y gate

import dynamiqs as dq
import jax.numpy as jnp
import optax
import qontrol as ql

# hyper parameters
n = 5  # system size
K = -0.2 * 2.0 * jnp.pi  # Kerr nonlinearity
time = 40.0  # total simulation time
dt = 2.0  # control dt
seed_amplitude = 1e-3  # pulse seed amplitude
learning_rate = 1e-4  # learning rate for optimizer

# define model to optimize
a = dq.destroy(5)
H0 = 0.5 * K * dq.dag(a) @ dq.dag(a) @ a @ a
H1s = [a + dq.dag(a), 1j * (a - dq.dag(a))]

def H_pwc(drive_params):
    H = H0
    for idx, _H1 in enumerate(H1s):
        H +=, drive_params[idx], _H1)
    return H

initial_states = [dq.basis(n, 0), dq.basis(n, 1)]
# We can track the behavior of observables by passing them to the model. Here we track
# the state populations
exp_ops = [dq.basis(n, idx) @ dq.dag(dq.basis(n, idx)) for idx in range(n)]
ntimes = int(time // dt) + 1
tsave = jnp.linspace(0, time, ntimes)
model = ql.sesolve_model(H_pwc, initial_states, tsave, exp_ops=exp_ops)

# define optimization
parameters = seed_amplitude * jnp.ones((len(H1s), ntimes - 1))
target_states = [-1j * dq.basis(n, 1), 1j * dq.basis(n, 0)]
cost = ql.cost.coherent_infidelity(target_states=target_states, target_cost=0.001)
optimizer = optax.adam(learning_rate=0.0001)
options = ql.OptimizerOptions(
    save_states=False, progress_meter=None, verbose=False, plot=True, plot_period=5

# run optimization
opt_params = ql.optimize(parameters, cost, model, optimizer=optimizer, options=options)
You should see the following oputput, tracking the cost function values, pulse, pulse fft and expectation values over the course of the optimization Alt Text We initialize the sesolve_model which when called with parameters as input runs sesolve and returns that result as well as the updated Hamiltonian. These are in turn passed to the cost functions, which tell the optimizer how to update parameters.

Jump in¤

If this has piqued your interest, please see the example jupyter notebooks that demonstrate different use cases of qontrol, including optimizing gates on a qubit to be robust to frequency variations as well as performing time-optimal control and master-equation optimization. More examples coming soon!


If you found this package useful in academic work, please cite

  title  = {qontrol: Quantum optimal control based on dynamiqs, diffrax and JAX},
  author = {Daniel K. Weiss},
  year   = {2024},
  url    = {}

Also please consider starring the project on github!