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Python API¤

The floquet Python API consists largely of the floquet_analysis function which initializes a FloquetAnalysis class. We can then call run(filepath) on instances of this class to perform the Floquet simulation. The computed data is then saved both as attributes of the class and also to the file specified by filepath, which should be a string specifying a h5py file.

Floquet methods¤

FloquetAnalysis ¤

Bases: Serializable

Perform a floquet analysis to identify nonlinear resonances.

In most workflows, one needs only to call the run() method which performs both the displaced state fit and the Blais branch analysis. For an example workflow, see the transmon tutorial.


Name Type Description Default
model Model

Class specifying the model, including the Hamiltonian, drive amplitudes, frequencies

state_indices list | None

State indices of interest. Defaults to [0, 1], indicating the two lowest-energy states.

options Options

Options for the Floquet analysis.

init_data_to_save dict | None

Initial parameter metadata to save to file. Defaults to None.

model = model instance-attribute ¤
state_indices = state_indices instance-attribute ¤
options = options instance-attribute ¤
init_data_to_save = init_data_to_save instance-attribute ¤
hilbert_dim = model.H0.shape[0] instance-attribute ¤
__new__(*args, **kwargs) -> Serializable ¤

Records which parameters should be saved so they can be passed to init.

__eq__(other: Serializable) -> bool ¤
serialize() -> dict ¤

Serialize a class so that it is ready to be written.

This method creates nested dictionaries appropriate for writing to h5 files. Importantly, we save metadata associated with the class itself and any classes it takes as input so that they can be reinstantiated later.


Name Type Description
initdata dict

Dictionary of data to save, in a format appropriate to pass to h5

write_to_file(filepath: str | pathlib.Path, data_dict: dict | None = None) ¤

Write a class and associated data to file.

The goal is to be able to read back both the data that was saved and all of the data necessary to reinitialize the class.


Name Type Description Default
filepath str | Path

Path to the file where we want to save the data. Must be an h5 or h5py file

data_dict dict | None

Dictionary containing various raw data to save

__init__(model: Model, state_indices: list | None = None, options: Options = Options(), init_data_to_save: dict | None = None) ¤
__str__() -> str ¤
run_one_floquet(omega_d_amp: tuple[float, float]) -> tuple[np.ndarray, qt.Qobj] ¤

Run one instance of the problem for a pair of drive frequency and amp.

Returns floquet modes as numpy column vectors, as well as the quasienergies.


Name Type Description Default
omega_d_amp tuple[float, float]

Pair of drive frequency and amp.

identify_floquet_modes(f_modes_energies: tuple[np.ndarray, qt.Qobj], params_0: tuple[float, float], displaced_state: DisplacedState, previous_coefficients: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray ¤

Return floquet modes with largest overlap with ideal displaced state.

Also return that overlap value.


Name Type Description Default
f_modes_energies tuple[ndarray, Qobj]

output of self.run_one_floquet(params)

params_0 tuple[float, float]

(omega_d_0, amp_0) to use for displaced fit

displaced_state DisplacedState

Instance of DisplacedState

previous_coefficients ndarray

Coefficients from the previous amplitude range that will be used when calculating overlap of the floquet modes against the 'bare' states specified by previous_coefficients

bare_state_array() -> np.ndarray ¤

Return array of bare states.

Used to specify initial bare states for the Blais branch analysis.

_step_in_amp(f_modes_energies: tuple[qt.Qobj, np.ndarray], prev_f_modes: np.ndarray) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray] ¤

Perform Blais branch analysis.

Gorgeous in its simplicity. Simply calculate overlaps of new floquet modes with those from the previous amplitude step, and order the modes accordingly. So ordered, compute the mean excitation number, yielding our branches.

_calculate_mean_excitation(f_modes_ordered: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray ¤

Mean excitation number of ordered floquet modes.

Based on Blais arXiv:2402.06615, specifically Eq. (12) but going without the integral over floquet modes in one period.

run(filepath: str | None = None) -> dict ¤

Perform floquet analysis over range of amplitudes and drive frequencies.

This function largely performs two calculations. The first is the Xiao analysis introduced in, fitting the extracted Floquet modes to the "ideal" displaced state which does not include resonances by design (because we fit to a low order polynomial and ignore any floquet modes with overlap with the bare state below a given threshold). This analysis produces the "scar" plots. The second is the Blais branch analysis, which tracks the Floquet modes by stepping in drive amplitude for a given drive frequency. For this reason the code is structured to parallelize over drive frequency, but scans in a loop over drive amplitude. This way the two calculations can be performed simultaneously.

A nice bonus is that both of the above mentioned calculations determine essentially independently whether a resonance occurs. In the first, it is deviation of the Floquet mode from the fitted displaced state. In the second, it is branch swapping that indicates a resonance, independent of any fit. Thus the two simulations can be used for cross validation of one another.

We perform these simulations iteratively over the drive amplitudes as specified by fit_range_fraction. This is to allow for simulations stretching to large drive amplitudes, where the overlap with the bare eigenstate would fall below the threshold (due to ac Stark shift) even in the absence of any resonances. We thus use the fit from the previous range of drive amplitudes as our new bare state.

_place_into(amp_idxs: list, array_for_range: np.ndarray, overall_array: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray staticmethod ¤
_floquet_main_for_amp_range(amp_idxs: list, displaced_state: DisplacedState, previous_coefficients: np.ndarray, prev_f_modes_arr: np.ndarray) -> tuple ¤

Run the floquet simulation over a specific amplitude range.

Displaced state¤

DisplacedState ¤

Class providing methods for computing displaced states.


Name Type Description Default
hilbert_dim int

Hilbert space dimension

model Model

Model including the Hamiltonian, drive amplitudes, frequencies, state indices

state_indices list

States of interest

options Options

Options used

hilbert_dim = hilbert_dim instance-attribute ¤
model = model instance-attribute ¤
state_indices = state_indices instance-attribute ¤
options = options instance-attribute ¤
exponent_pair_idx_map = self._create_exponent_pair_idx_map() instance-attribute ¤
__init__(hilbert_dim: int, model: Model, state_indices: list, options: Options) ¤
overlap_with_bare_states(amp_idx_0: int, coefficients: np.ndarray, floquet_modes: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray ¤

Calculate overlap of floquet modes with 'bare' states.

'Bare' here is defined loosely. For the first range of amplitudes, the bare states are truly the bare states (the coefficients are obtained from bare_state_coefficients, which give the bare states). For later ranges, we define the bare state as the state obtained from the fit from previous range, with amplitude evaluated at the lower edge of amplitudes for the new region. This is, in a sense, the most natural choice, since it is most analogous to what is done in the first window when the overlap is computed against bare eigenstates (that obviously don't have amplitude dependence). Moreover, the fit coefficients for the previous window by definition were obtained in a window that does not include the one we are currently investigating. Asking for the state with amplitude values outside of the fit window should be done at your own peril.


Name Type Description Default
amp_idx_0 int

Index specifying the lower bound of the amplitude range.

coefficients ndarray

coefficients that specify the bare state that we calculate overlaps of Floquet modes against

floquet_modes ndarray

Floquet modes to be compared to the bare states given by coefficients


Returns: overlaps with shape (w,a,s) where w is the number of drive frequencies, a is the number of drive amplitudes (specified by amp_idxs) and s is the number of states we are investigating

overlap_with_displaced_states(amp_idxs: list, coefficients: np.ndarray, floquet_modes: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray ¤

Calculate overlap of floquet modes with 'ideal' displaced states.

This is done here for a specific amplitude range.


Name Type Description Default
amp_idxs list

list of lower and upper amplitude indices specifying the range of drive amplitudes this calculation should be done for

coefficients ndarray

coefficients that specify the displaced state that we calculate overlaps of Floquet modes against

floquet_modes ndarray

Floquet modes to be compared to the displaced states given by coefficients


Returns: overlaps with shape (w,a,s) where w is the number of drive frequencies, a is the number of drive amplitudes (specified by amp_idxs) and s is the number of states we are investigating

bare_state_coefficients(state_idx: int) -> np.ndarray ¤

For bare state only component is itself.


Name Type Description Default
state_idx int

Coefficients for the state \(|state_idx\rangle\) that when evaluated at any amplitude or frequency simply return the bare state. Note that this should be the actual state index, and not the array index (for instance if we have state_indices=[0, 1, 3] because we're not interested in the second excited state, for the 3rd excited state we should pass 3 here and not 2).

displaced_state(omega_d: float, amp: float, state_idx: int, coefficients: np.ndarray) -> qt.Qobj ¤

Construct the ideal displaced state based on a polynomial expansion.

_coefficient_for_state(xydata: np.ndarray, *state_idx_coefficients: np.ndarray | tuple, bare_same: bool = False) -> np.ndarray | float ¤

Fit function to pass to curve fit, assume a 2D polynomial.

_create_exponent_pair_idx_map() -> dict ¤

Create dictionary of terms in polynomial that we fit.

We truncate the fit if e.g. there is only a single frequency value to scan over but the fit is nominally set to order four. We additionally eliminate the constant term that should always be either zero or one.

DisplacedStateFit ¤

Bases: DisplacedState

Methods for fitting an ideal displaced state to calculated Floquet modes.

hilbert_dim = hilbert_dim instance-attribute ¤
model = model instance-attribute ¤
state_indices = state_indices instance-attribute ¤
options = options instance-attribute ¤
exponent_pair_idx_map = self._create_exponent_pair_idx_map() instance-attribute ¤
__init__(hilbert_dim: int, model: Model, state_indices: list, options: Options) ¤
overlap_with_bare_states(amp_idx_0: int, coefficients: np.ndarray, floquet_modes: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray ¤

Calculate overlap of floquet modes with 'bare' states.

'Bare' here is defined loosely. For the first range of amplitudes, the bare states are truly the bare states (the coefficients are obtained from bare_state_coefficients, which give the bare states). For later ranges, we define the bare state as the state obtained from the fit from previous range, with amplitude evaluated at the lower edge of amplitudes for the new region. This is, in a sense, the most natural choice, since it is most analogous to what is done in the first window when the overlap is computed against bare eigenstates (that obviously don't have amplitude dependence). Moreover, the fit coefficients for the previous window by definition were obtained in a window that does not include the one we are currently investigating. Asking for the state with amplitude values outside of the fit window should be done at your own peril.


Name Type Description Default
amp_idx_0 int

Index specifying the lower bound of the amplitude range.

coefficients ndarray

coefficients that specify the bare state that we calculate overlaps of Floquet modes against

floquet_modes ndarray

Floquet modes to be compared to the bare states given by coefficients


Returns: overlaps with shape (w,a,s) where w is the number of drive frequencies, a is the number of drive amplitudes (specified by amp_idxs) and s is the number of states we are investigating

overlap_with_displaced_states(amp_idxs: list, coefficients: np.ndarray, floquet_modes: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray ¤

Calculate overlap of floquet modes with 'ideal' displaced states.

This is done here for a specific amplitude range.


Name Type Description Default
amp_idxs list

list of lower and upper amplitude indices specifying the range of drive amplitudes this calculation should be done for

coefficients ndarray

coefficients that specify the displaced state that we calculate overlaps of Floquet modes against

floquet_modes ndarray

Floquet modes to be compared to the displaced states given by coefficients


Returns: overlaps with shape (w,a,s) where w is the number of drive frequencies, a is the number of drive amplitudes (specified by amp_idxs) and s is the number of states we are investigating

bare_state_coefficients(state_idx: int) -> np.ndarray ¤

For bare state only component is itself.


Name Type Description Default
state_idx int

Coefficients for the state \(|state_idx\rangle\) that when evaluated at any amplitude or frequency simply return the bare state. Note that this should be the actual state index, and not the array index (for instance if we have state_indices=[0, 1, 3] because we're not interested in the second excited state, for the 3rd excited state we should pass 3 here and not 2).

displaced_state(omega_d: float, amp: float, state_idx: int, coefficients: np.ndarray) -> qt.Qobj ¤

Construct the ideal displaced state based on a polynomial expansion.

_coefficient_for_state(xydata: np.ndarray, *state_idx_coefficients: np.ndarray | tuple, bare_same: bool = False) -> np.ndarray | float ¤

Fit function to pass to curve fit, assume a 2D polynomial.

_create_exponent_pair_idx_map() -> dict ¤

Create dictionary of terms in polynomial that we fit.

We truncate the fit if e.g. there is only a single frequency value to scan over but the fit is nominally set to order four. We additionally eliminate the constant term that should always be either zero or one.

displaced_states_fit(omega_d_amp_slice: list, ovlp_with_bare_states: np.ndarray, floquet_modes: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray ¤

Perform a fit for the indicated range, ignoring specified modes.

We loop over all states in state_indices and perform the fit for a given amplitude range. We ignore floquet modes (not included in the fit) where the corresponding value in ovlp_with_bare_states is below the threshold specified in options.


Name Type Description Default
omega_d_amp_slice list

Pairs of omega_d, amplitude values at which the floquet modes have been computed and which we will use as the independent variables to fit the Floquet modes

ovlp_with_bare_states ndarray

Bare state overlaps that has shape (w, a, s) where w is drive frequency, a is drive amplitude and s is state_indices

floquet_modes ndarray

Floquet mode array with the same shape as ovlp_with_bare_states except with an additional trailing dimension h, the Hilbert-space dimension.



Type Description

Optimized fit coefficients

_fit_coefficients_for_component(omega_d_amp_filtered: list, floquet_component_filtered: np.ndarray, bare_same: bool) -> np.ndarray ¤

Fit the floquet modes to an "ideal" displaced state based on a polynomial.

This is done here over the grid specified by omega_d_amp_slice. We ignore floquet mode data indicated by mask, where we suspect by looking at overlaps with the bare state that we have hit a resonance.

_fit_coefficients_factory(XYdata: list, Zdata: np.ndarray, p0: tuple | np.ndarray, bare_same: bool) -> np.ndarray ¤


Model ¤

Bases: Serializable

Specify the model, including the Hamiltonian, drive strengths and frequencies.

Can be subclassed to e.g. override the hamiltonian() method for a different (but still periodic!) Hamiltonian.


Name Type Description Default
H0 Qobj | ndarray | list

Drift Hamiltonian, which must be diagonal and provided in units such that H0 can be passed directly to qutip.

H1 Qobj | ndarray | list

Drive operator, which should be unitless (for instance the charge-number operator n of the transmon). It will be multiplied by a drive amplitude that we scan over from drive_parameters.drive_amplitudes.

omega_d_values ndarray

drive frequencies to scan over

drive_amplitudes ndarray

amp values to scan over. Can be one dimensional in which case these amplitudes are used for all omega_d, or it can be two dimensional in which case the first dimension are the amplitudes to scan over and the second are the amplitudes for respective drive frequencies

H0 = H0 instance-attribute ¤
H1 = H1 instance-attribute ¤
omega_d_values = omega_d_values instance-attribute ¤
drive_amplitudes = drive_amplitudes instance-attribute ¤
__new__(*args, **kwargs) -> Serializable ¤

Records which parameters should be saved so they can be passed to init.

__eq__(other: Serializable) -> bool ¤
__str__() -> str ¤
serialize() -> dict ¤

Serialize a class so that it is ready to be written.

This method creates nested dictionaries appropriate for writing to h5 files. Importantly, we save metadata associated with the class itself and any classes it takes as input so that they can be reinstantiated later.


Name Type Description
initdata dict

Dictionary of data to save, in a format appropriate to pass to h5

write_to_file(filepath: str | pathlib.Path, data_dict: dict | None = None) ¤

Write a class and associated data to file.

The goal is to be able to read back both the data that was saved and all of the data necessary to reinitialize the class.


Name Type Description Default
filepath str | Path

Path to the file where we want to save the data. Must be an h5 or h5py file

data_dict dict | None

Dictionary containing various raw data to save

__init__(H0: qt.Qobj | np.ndarray | list, H1: qt.Qobj | np.ndarray | list, omega_d_values: np.ndarray, drive_amplitudes: np.ndarray) ¤
omega_d_to_idx(omega_d: float) -> np.ndarray[int] ¤

Return index corresponding to omega_d value.

amp_to_idx(amp: float, omega_d: float) -> np.ndarray[int] ¤

Return index corresponding to amplitude value.

Because the drive amplitude can depend on the drive frequency, we also must pass the drive frequency here.

omega_d_amp_params(amp_idxs: list) -> itertools.chain ¤

Return ordered chain object of the specified omega_d and amplitude values.

hamiltonian(omega_d_amp: tuple[float, float]) -> list[qt.Qobj] ¤

Return the Hamiltonian we actually simulate.

Amplitude conversion utilities¤

ChiacToAmp ¤

Convert given induced ac-stark shift values to drive amplitudes.

Consider a qubit coupled to an oscillator with the interaction Hamiltonian \(H_I = g(a + a^{\dagger})(b + b^{\dagger})\). If the oscillator is driven to an average occupation number of \(\bar{n}\), then the effective drive strength seen by the qubit is \(\Omega_d = 2 g \sqrt{\bar{n}}\). On the other hand based on a Schrieffer-Wolff transformation, the interaction hamiltonian is \(H^{(2)} = \chi a^{\dagger}ab^{\dagger}b\). The average induced ac-stark shift is then \(\chi_{ac} = \chi \bar{n}\). Thus \(\Omega_d = 2g\sqrt{\chi_{\rm ac}/\chi}\). Observe that since \(\chi \sim g^2\), \(g\) effectively cancels out and can be set to 1.

H0 = H0 instance-attribute ¤
H1 = H1 instance-attribute ¤
state_indices = state_indices instance-attribute ¤
omega_d_linspace = omega_d_values instance-attribute ¤
__init__(H0: qt.Qobj, H1: qt.Qobj, state_indices: list, omega_d_values: np.ndarray) ¤
amplitudes_for_omega_d(chi_ac_linspace: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray ¤

Return drive amplitudes corresponding to \(\chi_{\rm ac}\) values.

compute_chis_for_omega_d() -> np.ndarray ¤

Compute chi difference for the first two states in state_indices.

Based on the analysis in Zhu et al PRB (2013)

chi_ell_ellp(energies: np.ndarray, H1: np.ndarray, E_osc: float, ell: int, ellp: int) -> np.ndarray staticmethod ¤
chi_ell(energies: np.ndarray, H1: np.ndarray, E_osc: float, ell: int) -> np.ndarray ¤

XiSqToAmp ¤

Convert given \(|\xi|^2\) value into a drive amplitude.

This is based on the equivalence \(\xi = 2 \Omega_d \omega_d / (\omega_d^2-\omega^2)\), where in this definition \(|\xi|^2= 2 \chi_{\rm ac} / \alpha\) where \(\chi_{\rm ac}\) is the induced ac stark shift, \(\alpha\) is the anharmonicity and \(\Omega_d\) is the drive amplitude.

H0 = H0 instance-attribute ¤
H1 = H1 instance-attribute ¤
state_indices = state_indices instance-attribute ¤
omega_d_linspace = omega_d_linspace instance-attribute ¤
__init__(H0: qt.Qobj, H1: qt.Qobj, state_indices: list, omega_d_linspace: np.ndarray) ¤
amplitudes_for_omega_d(xi_sq_linspace: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray ¤

Return drive amplitudes corresponding to \(|\xi|^2\) values.


Options ¤

Bases: Serializable

Options for the floquet analysis.


Name Type Description Default
fit_range_fraction float

Fraction of the amplitude range to sweep over before changing the definition of the bare state to that of the fitted state from the previous range. For instance if fit_range_fraction=0.4, then the amplitude range is split up into three chunks: the first 40% of the amplitude linspace, then from 40% -> 80%, then from 80% to the full range. For the first fraction of amplitudes, they are compared to the bare eigenstates for identification. For the second range, they are compared to the fitted state from the first range. And so on. Defaults to 1.0, indicating that no iteration is performed.

floquet_sampling_time_fraction float

What point of the drive period we want to sample the Floquet modes. Defaults to 0.0, indicating the floquet modes at t=0*T where T is the drive period.

fit_cutoff int

Cutoff for the fit polynomial of the displaced state. Defaults to 4.

overlap_cutoff float

Cutoff for fitting overlaps. Floquet modes with overlap with the "bare" state below this cutoff are not included in the fit (as they may be experiencing a resonance). Defaults to 0.8.

nsteps int

QuTiP integration parameter, number of steps the solver can take. Defaults to 30_000.

num_cpus int

Number of cpus to use in parallel computation of Floquet modes over the different values of omega_d, amp. Defaults to 1.

save_floquet_modes bool

Indicating whether to save the extracted Floquet modes themselves. Such data is often unnecessary and requires a fair amount of storage, so the default is False.

fit_range_fraction = fit_range_fraction instance-attribute ¤
floquet_sampling_time_fraction = floquet_sampling_time_fraction instance-attribute ¤
fit_cutoff = fit_cutoff instance-attribute ¤
overlap_cutoff = overlap_cutoff instance-attribute ¤
nsteps = nsteps instance-attribute ¤
num_cpus = num_cpus instance-attribute ¤
save_floquet_modes = save_floquet_modes instance-attribute ¤
__new__(*args, **kwargs) -> Serializable ¤

Records which parameters should be saved so they can be passed to init.

__eq__(other: Serializable) -> bool ¤
__str__() -> str ¤
serialize() -> dict ¤

Serialize a class so that it is ready to be written.

This method creates nested dictionaries appropriate for writing to h5 files. Importantly, we save metadata associated with the class itself and any classes it takes as input so that they can be reinstantiated later.


Name Type Description
initdata dict

Dictionary of data to save, in a format appropriate to pass to h5

write_to_file(filepath: str | pathlib.Path, data_dict: dict | None = None) ¤

Write a class and associated data to file.

The goal is to be able to read back both the data that was saved and all of the data necessary to reinitialize the class.


Name Type Description Default
filepath str | Path

Path to the file where we want to save the data. Must be an h5 or h5py file

data_dict dict | None

Dictionary containing various raw data to save

__init__(fit_range_fraction: float = 1.0, floquet_sampling_time_fraction: float = 0.0, fit_cutoff: int = 4, overlap_cutoff: float = 0.8, nsteps: int = 30000, num_cpus: int = 1, save_floquet_modes: bool = False) ¤

File utilities¤

Serializable ¤

Mixin class for reading and writing to file using h5py.

__new__(*args, **kwargs) -> Serializable ¤

Records which parameters should be saved so they can be passed to init.

__eq__(other: Serializable) -> bool ¤
__str__() -> str ¤
serialize() -> dict ¤

Serialize a class so that it is ready to be written.

This method creates nested dictionaries appropriate for writing to h5 files. Importantly, we save metadata associated with the class itself and any classes it takes as input so that they can be reinstantiated later.


Name Type Description
initdata dict

Dictionary of data to save, in a format appropriate to pass to h5

write_to_file(filepath: str | pathlib.Path, data_dict: dict | None = None) ¤

Write a class and associated data to file.

The goal is to be able to read back both the data that was saved and all of the data necessary to reinitialize the class.


Name Type Description Default
filepath str | Path

Path to the file where we want to save the data. Must be an h5 or h5py file

data_dict dict | None

Dictionary containing various raw data to save


read_from_file(filepath: str | pathlib.Path) -> tuple[Serializable, dict] ¤

Read a class and associated data from file.


Name Type Description Default
filepath str | Path

Path to the file containing both raw data and the information needed to reinitialize our class



Name Type Description
new_class_instance Serializable

Class that inherits from Serializable that was earlier written with its method write_to_file

data_dict dict

Dictionary of data that was passed to write_to_file at the time

get_init_params(obj: Serializable) -> list[str] ¤

Returns a list of parameters entering __init__ of obj.

generate_file_path(extension: str, file_name: str, path: str) -> str ¤