About me
I am a postdoc in the Girvin and Puri groups at Yale University studying possible physical implementations of QRAM. I received my PhD from Northwestern University in Jens Koch’s group where I studied noise protected superconducting circuits (like the current mirror) as well as novel techniques for coupling and controlling fluxonium qubits.
You can find a copy of my CV here.
You can find a copy of my thesis here.
- P. D. Kurilovich, T. Connolly, C. G. L. Bøttcher, D. K. Weiss, S. Hazra, V. R. Joshi, A. Z. Ding, H. Nho, S. Diamond, V. D. Kurilovich, W. Dai, V. Fatemi, L. Frunzio, L. I. Glazman, M. H. Devoret, “High-frequency readout free from transmon multi-excitation resonances” arXiv (2025)
- R. Baskov, D. K. Weiss, S. M. Girvin, “Exact amplitudes of parametric processes in driven Josephson circuits” arXiv (2025)
- D. K. Weiss, S. Xu, S. Puri, Y. Ding, S. M. Girvin, “Faulty towers: recovering a functioning quantum random access memory in the presence of defective routers,” arXiv (2024)
- D. K. Weiss, S. Puri and S. M. Girvin, “Quantum Random Access Memory Architectures Using 3D Superconducting Cavities,” PRX Quantum 5, 020312 (2024) arXiv (2023)
- H. Zhang, C. Ding, D. K. Weiss, Z. Huang, Y. Ma, C. Guinn, S. Sussman, S. P. Chitta, D. Chen, A. A. Houck, J. Koch and D. I. Schuster “Tunable inductive coupler for high fidelity gates between fluxonium qubits,” PRX Quantum 5, 020326 (2024) arXiv (2023)
- J. Bryon, D. K. Weiss, X. You, S. Sussman, X. Croot, Z. Huang, J. Koch and A. A. Houck, “Time-dependent magnetic flux in devices for circuit quantum electrodynamics,” Phys. Rev. Applied 19, 034031 (2023) arXiv
- D. K. Weiss, H. Zhang, C. Ding, Y. Ma, D. I. Schuster, and J. Koch, “Fast high-fidelity gates for galvanically-coupled fluxonium qubits using strong flux modulation,” PRX Quantum 3, 040336 (2022) arXiv
- D. K. Weiss, W. DeGottardi, J. Koch and D. G. Ferguson, “Variational tight-binding method for simulating large superconducting circuits,” Phys. Rev. Research 3, 033244 (2021) arXiv
- H. Zhang, S. Chakram, T. Roy, N. Earnest, Y. Lu, Z. Huang, D. K. Weiss, J. Koch and D. I. Schuster, “Universal fast-flux control of a coherent, low-frequency qubit,” Phys. Rev. X 11, 011010 (2021) arXiv
- D. K. Weiss, Andy C. Y. Li, D. G. Ferguson and Jens Koch, “Spectrum and coherence properties of the current-mirror qubit,” Phys. Rev. B 100, 224507 (2019) arXiv
- Y.S. Nam, D. K. Weiss and R. Blumel, “Explicit, analytical radio-frequency heating formulas for spherically symmetric nonneutral plasmas in a Paul trap,” Phys. Lett. A 381, 3441 (2017) arXiv
- D. K. Weiss, Y.S. Nam and R. Blumel, “Lifetimes of metastable ion clouds in a Paul trap: power-law scaling,” Phys. Rev. A 93, 043424 (2016) arXiv
Open-source code
qontrol: Quantum optimal control based on dynamiqs, diffrax and JAX. github documentation
floquet: Floquet simulations on quantum systems to identify nonlinear resonances (relevant for qubit readout or identifying parasitic processes when driving your quantum system parametrically). github documentation
dynamiqs: High-performance quantum systems simulation with JAX (GPU-accelerated & differentiable solvers). github documentation