How can I incorporate drive constraints (as opposed to costs)?¤
Constraints can be incorporated at the level of the Hamiltonian function:
a = dq.destroy(5)
H0 = dq.dag(a) @ dq.dag(a) @ a @ a
H1s = [a + dq.dag(a), 1j * (a - dq.dag(a))]
max_amp = 2.0 * jnp.pi * 0.01
tsave = jnp.linspace(0, 40.0, 31)
parameters = jnp.zeros((len(H1s), len(tsave) - 1))
def H_pwc(drive_params):
H = H0
for idx, _H1 in enumerate(H1s):
clipped_drive = jnp.clip(
H += dq.pwc(tsave, clipped_drive, _H1)
return H
How do I initialize random initial pulses?¤
This can be done by utilizing existing rng functionality from jax. Lets create a random initial guess for the pwc
control above with values between +1 and -1.
key = jax.random.PRNGKey(31)
parameters = 2.0 * jax.random.uniform(key, (len(H1s), len(tsave) - 1)) - 1.0
How do I monitor custom quantities during optimization?¤
We provide functionality for the user to plot whatever quantities they'd like to monitor during the course of the optimization. Simply define one or multiple functions with the signature plotting_function(ax, expects, model, parameters)
, where ax
is a matplotlib.pyplot.Axes
object that is updated, expects
contains the output of dq.SolveResult.expects
, model
has type ql.Model
and parameters
are the parameters being optimized. Let's imagine you are batching over multiple different frequency values and want a pulse that is robust to these frequency variations. You want to plot the expectation values of each trajectory, and want separate plots for two different initial states.
n_batch = 21
def plot_states(ax, expects, model, parameters, which=0,):
tsave = model.tsave_function(parameters)
for batch_idx in range(n_batch):
ax.plot(tsave, np.real(expects[batch_idx, which, 0]))
ax.set_xlabel('time [ns]')
ax.set_ylabel(f'population in $|1\\rangle$ for initial state $|{which}\\rangle$')
return ax
plotter = ql.custom_plotter(
functools.partial(plot_states, which=0),
functools.partial(plot_states, which=1)]
How do I access the saved information?¤
If a filepath
is passed to optimize
, the parameters from each epoch are saved along with the individual values of each cost function and the total cost. This data can be extracted via (assuming the data has been saved in the file 'tmp.h5py')
data_dict, param_dict = ql.extract_info_from_h5('tmp.h5py')
contains the optimized parameters as well as cost function info, and param_dict
contains the options passed to optimize
You haven't defined my favorite cost function?!¤
No worries! See the API of ql.custom_cost()
as well as ql.custom_control_cost()
for examples of how to define custom cost functions.